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Cathedral Window Blanket Update

I've gotten to a point in the blanket where I had to order some more black yarn. Yea!

I finished the half circles that are kinda in the middle of the blanket and I finished the black rows after this. But I ran out of black yarn.

Isn't it pretty! Once I figured out I was out of the black, I moved along to the next round of circles have to make to attach to the edge. These are a pretty blue color. Of course I ran out of that yarn too but I at least got my black yarn in the mail around the same time. After I finish a few projects for Halloween, I'll start up on my blanket again.

My goal is to have this blanket done by the time I have a planned medical procedure around Thanksgiving that will lay me up in the hospital for a few days. Don't worry, I'll be fine, just getting my life back.

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